

1.      Annual membership is $50.

2.      Renewing members are expected to pay their membership fee at the Annual Banquet but must be paid by July 1st to maintain their membership.  After that, the membership spot is opened to the next person on the waiting list.

3.      The membership fee is used to purchase membership door prizes. All membership door prizes will be given away during the party.  You must be present to win a door prize.  All club members present at the party will win a door prize.

4.      Sponsorship prizes will be raffled off for $5 per ticket (or 5 for $20) and approximately 70% of the money collected will be given away as the grand prize(s).

5.      To qualify for the Big Buck Contest, the buck must be harvested with a bow (traditional or crossbow) in Wisconsin and must be properly registered according to WI DNR regulations.  Only the person who harvested the buck may enter it into the contest and must be a paid member for the given year.  Each member is allowed only 1 buck entry per season.

6.      To enter a buck in the contest you must contact Gary Merkes (608-438-3786) or Tommy Kempfer (608-225-8710) within 24 hours of the kill.  If a buck is shot and cannot be found, he must still notify Gary or Tommy within the 24-hour period but will have a 3-day grace period to find and enter his buck.

7.      Winning buck entries: To receive prize money, you (or a representative) must be present at the club party with your antlers for official measurement.  Failure to bring antlers to the banquet will result in disqualification from that year’s Big Buck Contest.

8.      The Big Buck Contest begins on the opening day of the Wisconsin Bow Season and ends on the final day of the statewide Wisconsin Bow Season for the given year. 

9.      The Annual Banquet takes place on the Saturday night before Super Bowl Sunday.  If you are unable to attend the party you may send someone in your place.   There is no charge for them to attend, but they will not receive a door prize.

10.     The Annual Banquet is at Savanna Oaks in Fall River, WI, and starts at 5:00pm.  Food will be served from 6pm — 7pm.  Door prizes will be given away starting at 7:00. The club will provide soda and up to five half barrels of beer.

11.    Non-member guests may attend the Banquet for $40, paid at the door.  There will be 40 guest spots available each year, filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.  Members are only allowed one guest until the guest list is filled.  If there are still open guest spots on January 31st, they will be opened up to anyone.

(scoring is gross P&Y, no deductions)

1st   PLACE                  $700

2nd  PLACE                  $500

3rd   PLACE                  $300

4th  PLACE                  $200

5th  PLACE                  $100

6th  PLACE                  $100

7th  PLACE                  $100

 **If any of the places are not filled, the award money will be given away as door prizes!**