About Us

Welcome to Arrows & Antlers! We started out back in the late 80’s as just a few bow hunters looking for bragging rights among ourselves, to see who could get the biggest buck during the bow season. We are strictly fair chase bow hunters. However we couldn’t resist putting a small $25 wager on who would get the biggest buck, winner take all, of course! Well, one thing led to another and every year a few more friends wanted in. Now, 35+ years later, we have 100 members (with a waiting list of 50+), an annual banquet with door prizes, multiple sponsors, and a great night with plenty of gourmet wild game, all prepared by chef Steve Johnson. Oh, and we enjoy a few cocktails while bragging about our great season in the woods. Or we sit around explaining how we had equipment problems and that’s why we didn’t get that first place buck! You get the idea. All in all, we’re a group of guys who enjoy the hunt, and we enjoy celebrating and sharing the memories with each other. In closing, I would like to thank all the fellow members for making Arrows & Antlers a success. And as always, happy hunting!!!!
-Gary Merkes, President